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The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation: An annotated selection of international and regional law and mechanisms

Los Derechos Humanos al Agua y al Saneamiento: una selección comentada de leyes y mecanismos internacionales y regionales

Año de publicación:
El manual compila y comenta extractos del derecho y los mecanismos internacionales, demostrando así cómo los diversos marcos contribuyen a la realización de esos derechos. Se dirige a la sociedad civil, los parlamentarios, los funcionarios gubernamentales y otros agentes para ayudar a comprender mejor el contexto más amplio de los derechos al agua y el saneamiento, con el fin de fortalecer su labor en esas esferas a nivel nacional.

Estrutura(s) Básica(s)
Disposiciones institucionales
Áreas transversales
Tanto urbano como rural
Organización responsable de la herramienta
Descripción detallada de la herramienta

For countries to flourish, it is imperative for citizens to have regular access to safe, clean, and affordable water and sanitation. The only way to guarantee this access is to ensure effective water governance through the development of well designed, workable and strong legal and policy frameworks. In this context, this handbook addresses existing water and sanitation-related international and regional frameworks. It is designed as a resource for practitioners who wish to improve water governance and contribute to the realisation of human rights to water and sanitation (HRWS) through national level law and policy which is compliance with international and regional law. Alternatively, it can be used by people who desire to bring their legitimate complaints to the international and regional human rights mechanisms. This book therefore targets civil society wishing to better inform and advocate for national level reforms, as well as actors such as parliamentarians or government officials, who want to understand the broader context of human rights to water and sanitation and strengthen their work.

The handbook contains two main parts:

  • International framework (Part A)
  • Regional frameworks (Part B).

At regional level four geographic areas are covered and can be referred to for specific continent-wide mechanisms and legal documents of relevance to the HRWS. These geographic areas are Africa and the Middle-East, the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region, and Europe.

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Cover shot of Brochure in Spanish

Llamado a la Acción de los Líderes Mundiales sobre la COVID-19 – Medidas de Seguimiento

Año de publicación:
Este folleto recopila medidas de seguimiento del Llamado a la Acción de los Líderes Mundiales sobre la COVID-19. El mismo puede ser utilizado por los gobiernos, la sociedad civil, las agencias de apoyo externo, el sector privado, los particulares y para investigación y aprendizaje.
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